
Hi there. Happy Tuesday. It's a monumental day. And, it's a day all the same. I'm obviously going to tell you to vote today But before we go there, take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Unclench your jaw, roll your shoulders up and back. Wiggle out the hips. Great! We can show up today for the nation, and for ourselves.

In our first episode of the Anti-Racism Daily podcast, I chatted with people who aren't showing up today. And noted how insidious voter disillusionment has become. We have a lot of work to do, and it starts today.
Listen here >

This is the Anti-Racism Daily, where we send one email each day to dismantle white supremacy. You can support our work by giving one time on our
website, PayPal or Venmo (@nicoleacardoza). You can also donate monthly or annually on Patreon. If this email was forwarded to you, you could subscribe at


  • Vote. You can still register to vote today in 21 states at your polling station.

  • Double-check to see if your absentee ballot was received. Here are links to do so by state >

  • If your ballot is marked as not received, the next steps differ based on your state. Check with your local election office for next steps. Here's the link >

  • Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE if you or anyone you know experiences voter suppression, harassment or other issues when trying to vote

  • Make an election safety plan to support your community today and in the weeks to come.


By Nicole Cardoza (she/her)

I need you to show up today. Our nation is at a crossroads. And the most urgent action we can take right now (if we have been granted the right) to transform this nation is to vote in the U.S. Presidential election.

And it's critically important that we vote our current President out of office. Donald Trump has used racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, and ableism to divide this nation. He has sparked deep distrust of our political system and will fight this election's results if they do not work in his favor. We have written about how his racism has directly caused violence against people of color and sparked a rise in white nationalism. Twice. He will only continue to unravel our most basic rights to safety and freedom.

Political analyst Mehdi Hasan has a two-minute video summarizing more of his atrocities over his administration.

But if that's not enough to convince you to vote, vote for the people that can't: for the millions of people who cannot vote because of voter suppression, whether through voter registration, access to polls, and ballot counting. Rally for those whose ballots might be thrown away or may not arrive on time, and for the 5.2 million that can't because of a felony conviction. Vote for the people that can't take off work, have to care for their kids, or can't find transportation tomorrow. And, for the immigrants who can't, despite all they bring to this country.

As of November 1, we have lost 230,000 lives in the U.S. to COVID-19. If you still aren't convinced to vote, do it for them – and the frontline workers, the families that can no longer afford to stay in their homes, the people with disabilities and those immunocompromised that can't access medical care, the long-haulers that may never fully recover, the kids out of school, the people struggling with the physical and mental toll of quarantine – addiction, violence, domestic abuse.

Vote for the 545 children who can't find their parents, and all those detained in ICE detention centers. Vote for the 6500+ Black people killed by the police. Vote for the whales and the forests – actually, vote for the whole damn planet. Vote for those who came before us to protect our right to participate – and vote for those who follow. Vote for abolition. Vote for transformation. Vote for tomorrow.

Vote for you. Vote for me. Vote for us.



  • Vote.

  • Don't vote for Trump.

  • Vote for the future.



Thank you for all your financial contributions! If you haven't already, consider making a monthly donation to this work. These funds will help me operationalize this work for greatest impact.

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Understand intergenerational trauma.


Transcript: Episode 1