Juan Michael Porter II Nicole Cardoza Juan Michael Porter II Nicole Cardoza

Abolish prison labor.

Though the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and made involuntary servitude illegal within the U.S., it managed to preserve slavery in another form; penal labor (Center for Human Rights Education). Under Section 1 of the law:

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction” (Crime Report, Find Law). As written and in practice, the amendment creates a class system that allows convicted members of society to be exploited against their will (The Nation).

Happy Friday! And welcome back to the Anti-Racism Daily. 

When the rioting happened at the Capitol last week, I couldn't stop thinking about how that place was built by 
enslaved Black people. I was reminded of it again when we saw videos of Black custodial staff cleaning the site in its wake. And again, when news sources noted that it's likely that prison labor would replace the broken furniture.

Prison labor is slavery with a new name. We must abolish prison labor as part of our efforts to dismantle the prison industrial complex.

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By Juan Michael Porter II (he/him)

Though the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and made involuntary servitude illegal within the U.S., it managed to preserve slavery in another form; penal labor (Center for Human Rights Education). Under Section 1 of the law: 

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction” (Crime ReportFind Law). As written and in practice, the amendment creates a class system that allows convicted members of society to be exploited against their will (The Nation). 

Though many think that the current prison-industrial complex was born out of the 70s or mid-90s, it actually began immediately after the Civil War. In a move to invalidate the newly gained rights of emancipated Black people, southern states passed racially motivated laws— called “black codes,” “pigs laws,” and “Jim Crow”—that sent thousands of Black citizens back into slavery through the prison system (HistoryNational Geographic). Under these statutes, a Black person could be incarcerated for violations as arbitrary as loitering, having debt, being unemployed, or making “attitudinal infractions,” i.e., not showing “proper deference” to white people (HistoryPBS).

As Douglas A. Blackmon revealed in his documentary and Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Slavery By Another Name  – which reviews county prison records in southern states – this exploitative system effectively extended slavery into the 20th century (PBSNYTimesWall Street Journal). To compensate for lost revenue previously earned on the backs of kidnapped Africans, the government coordinated with industry leaders through these laws to falsely arrest as many as 200,000 Black citizens and force them into brutal and legally sanctioned slave labor without pay (The ConversationWashington Post). 

Slavery was effectively rebranded as "convict leasing" while continuing its most despicable aspects, including auctioning off Black citizens, delivering severe beatings, working people to death, and keeping them locked up for life (Washington Post).

Convict leasing was “officially” abolished in 1941, but revised under the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979. This act created the Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (Al JazeeraBureau of Justice Assistance), which purports to provide inmates with post incarceral job training. In reality, it rents them out to businesses as a cheap labor force (The Guardian). Sentenced inmates are legally required to work unless they have been declared medically incapable (Federal Prison Bureau). They meet this mandate by working at the facility where they are serving time or through Federal Prison Industries (AKA UNICOR), which administers and markets their low-wage contracts to private companies as a “cost-effective labor pool” (Vox).

On a national average, inmates are paid 14 cents to 63 cents an hour (Prison Policy). In Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, and Alabama, they are paid nothing (The Guardian). Meanwhile, they are required to pay for basic necessities—such as hygiene products, soap, and socks (Mother Jones)—at inflated prices in an exploitive scheme that replicates sharecropping by keeping them locked in debt (US NewsVoxPacific Standard). 

Meanwhile, though participation in UNICOR’s outside work program is billed as by choice and even a reward for inmates in good standing, refusal to comply can result in punishment as severe as solitary confinement, a form of torture that has been proven to drive people insane (NPRThe AtlanticWiredPBS). 

Forced labor takes place at immigrant detention centers as well through a “voluntary work program” that has been sued six times for taking advantage of and coercing detainees to participate, all while paying them $1 to $3 an hour (Truth Out, NYTimes).

By contrast, UNICOR presents itself as a good deal by paying inmates up to $17 an hour, though after deductions are applied, the program reports that their takeaway is on average 23 cents to $1.15 an hour (EconomistUNICOR). Even this system is rife with abuse, with reported wage theft sans recourse often occurring (Mother JonesThe Guardian). For all its talk about providing on-the-job training, the program ignores the reality of rampant employment discrimination that ex-offenders face following their release (Politico) and has yet to report interceding on behalf of even a model prisoner.

UNICOR compromises inmates’ safety. It operates 24 hours a day and restarted operations for over 63,000 workers nationwide during the pandemic (Marshall ProjectWashington Post). It also requires federal agencies and state universities to purchase prison labor manufactured products—ranging from air filters to office furniture—unless they receive a waiver for an unavailable product (EconomistNBC NewsInside Higher ED).

This means that the U.S. Capitol will have to replace any damaged furniture during the failed insurrection with products built by an underpaid prison forced disenfranchised of its right to vote (Refinery 29Prison Policy). 

The 13th Amendment may have abolished slavery, but as written, its opening statute ensures that inmates, who are disproportionately Black people, remain in shackles with—as the prison abolitionist Ruth Gilmore has argued—very little that is worthwhile to do (NYTimes). Keep in mind that Black people make up 33% of the US’s prison population in the US, even as they make up only 13% of the entire country’s population (USA FactsPew Research). For all of UNICOR’s claims otherwise, recreating slavery does not result in convicts’ redemption.

On January 26, 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order instructing the attorney general to “reduce profit-based incentives to incarcerate” by eliminating private prison contracting at the federal level (White House). While the gesture might seem purely symbolic, it does return 14,000 incarcerated individuals to public prisons. The Obama administration found these prisons “were more dangerous and less effective at reforming inmates than facilities run by the government” (NBC NewsCriminal Justice Programs). 

This initial step did not happen overnight. Nor does it fix Biden’s support of the Crime Bill of 1994, which helped increase prison incarceration, or eliminate the use of privately-run immigration detention centers (Washington Post, AP News). But it does signal that when we amplify these issues, change can happen. 

It is essential to call on our legislators to remove the statutes requiring federal agencies to purchase prison-made goods and boycott any business that refuses to divest of these services. As was proven by the social-media-driven boycott against Ivanka Trump’s shuttered fashion line and #DeleteUber campaign, hurting a business’ reputation is a key component to making them change (GlamourThe AtlanticWashington Post).


  • Slavery still exists in the prison system, partially due to Section 1 13th Amendment

  • Former inmates face reduced opportunities for success due to employment discrimination.

  • Slave labor disproportionately affects Black people and continues to be revamped every time it is shot down.

  • Providing education to inmates is a key component towards reducing recidivism.



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Reina Sultan Nicole Cardoza Reina Sultan Nicole Cardoza

Fight to close Guantanamo Bay.

During his first term, President Barack Obama promised to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay (New Yorker). Yet 40 people still remain incarcerated there today (New York Times). Opened by President Bush as a response to the 9/11 attacks, Guantanamo is a prison camp in which the United States military has incarcerated over 700 Muslim men without charges or trials (New York Times). Earlier this year, Amnesty International reported the historic and ongoing human rights violations at Guantanamo Bay which include forced feedings of those on hunger strike, and improper medical care of torture survivors (Amnesty International).

Happy Wednesday and welcome back to the Anti-Racism Daily. Last week we discussed the nuances of counterterrorism policies and its disproportionate impact on communities of color. Today's newsletter by Reina expands on this topic, and advocates for the closing of Guantanamo Bay as part of our reckoning with the inequitable criminal justice system.

As a reminder,
revisit our election safety plan and connect with local community organizers in response to uprising re: today's inauguration.

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To work toward the closure of Guantanamo:

  • Support prisoners by reading their books (like Enemy Combatant by Moazzam Begg) and articles.

  • Sign up for Reprieve’s mailing list to get actions straight to your inbox. Reprieve is a legal action non-profit that defends marginalized people against human rights abuses. 

  • Join CAGE’s campaign, an organization that empowers communities impacted by the War on Terror.


By Reina Sultan (she/her)

During his first term, President Barack Obama promised to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay (New Yorker). Yet 40 people still remain incarcerated there today (New York Times). Opened by President Bush as a response to the 9/11 attacks, Guantanamo is a prison camp in which the United States military has incarcerated over 700 Muslim men without charges or trials (New York Times). Earlier this year, Amnesty International reported the historic and ongoing human rights violations at Guantanamo Bay which include forced feedings of those on hunger strike, and improper medical care of torture survivors (Amnesty International).

“Bush chose to imprison us on Guantanamo because he could argue that it was not US soil and hence US laws didn't apply,” Moazzam Begg, Outreach Director at CAGE and former Guantanamo prisoner, tells me. “[But] Guantanamo is illegal. Incarcerating people without charge or trial - after they were kidnapped and tortured by the most powerful nation in the world - is a crime.” 

During the anti-police violence uprisings in the summer of 2020, the demand to defund the police brought abolition into the national conversation. Folks who had never even considered what a world without police and prisons would look like began reading Mariame KabaRuth Wilson Gilmore, and Angela Davis, while really analyzing whether the carceral state actually delivers justice (it doesn’t). Policing and prisons remain heavily debated topics today, especially as leading Democrats remain steadfastly supportive of the police despite this past summer’s events (Bitch Media). 

As the leading thinkers on abolition remind us often, we must think about abolition in a global sense. When we look at the injustices done at Guantanamo, we see the ways in which the United States polices the world and exports its racist and Islamophobic practices as far as it can reach (Wear Your Voice Mag). “The prisoners in Guantanamo had nothing to do with America or its (lack of) justice system and penal code. They never came to America, America came to them,” says Begg. 

Closing Guantanamo is of the utmost importance, especially after the events of January 6th (Washington Post). As the world watched violent white supremacists storm the chambers of Congress, many rushed to call them terrorists while others cautioned against this. (For more on the problems with the word “terrorist” in this context, check out our recent newsletter).  By claiming the United States has a terrorism problem, politicians can justify even bigger budgets for police, the FBI, the CIA, and agencies like ICE. 

We must not give Islamophobic, racist government officials more power to imprison and torture people. One of the reasons that Guantanamo so often falls out of the consciousness of Americans is because all of the prisoners are Muslim. 

“If there was a US prison built to detain and torture white Christian men, there's no way there wouldn't be an uproar,” Dr. Maha Hilal, Co-Director of Justice for Muslims Collective & organizer with Witness Against Torture, tells me. “But thanks to a legacy of the dehumanization of Muslims in addition to post 9/11 War on Terror narratives, Muslims have been thoroughly demonized.” Begg agrees, explaining that “prisoners [in Guantanamo Bay] were mostly from Africa or Asia, Muslims who came from different cultures and didn't speak English. That was enough to render them subhuman in the eyes of a military seeking vengeance for 9/11.”

According to Dr. Hilal,  many people believe that while “‘normal’ crime is attributed to a lack of services/support, terrorists [are seen as] inherently hateful and, therefore, irredeemable, unlike others accused [or] convicted of crimes.” She argues that we must “further deconstruct terrorism as a concept so it's not weaponized as being radically different” from other crimes. 

Closing Guantanamo is just one part of a process of reconciliation that the United States has yet to begin regarding its complicity in the global War on Terror (Prism). The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, drone strikes in Pakistan, support of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and sanctions in Iran have cost hundreds of thousands of lives (source). Millions have been dehumanized and traumatized by the United State’s Islamophobia, imperialism, and endless wars. 

We must remember that prison industrial complex abolition is a global demand, meaning we hope to free every incarcerated person worldwide--not just in the United States. We must acknowledge the horrors that have happened and continue to happen in Guantanamo and work to ensure they never happen again.


  • PIC (Prison Industrial Complex) abolition is a global demand, not one that just applies to US-based prisons and jails. 

  • There are still 40 men held at Guantanamo Bay. Each day they are not free is an injustice. 

  • Committing to closing Guantanamo is the bare minimum for the Biden administration. We must pressure them to provide compensation, housing, and services for all of the survivors and to commit to ending all US-sanctioned torture.



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