Nicole Cardoza Nicole Cardoza Nicole Cardoza Nicole Cardoza

Impeach, ban and convict Trump.

The following are the BLM's list of demands in response to the Capitol coup shared via email. Action items in today's email reference the points made below. I've added contextual information in italics with an asterisk *.

Happy Thursday and welcome back! Another "new year", another impeachment of President Trump. Today we're amplifying Black Lives Matter's list of demands as our call-to-action. It has action items not just for the next administration, but tactical ways you can take action today.

As you do, remember that Trump has been inciting violence over the past four years. It took an insurrection at the Capitol to spur action, but our democracy and many of its people have been endangered (or outright killed, attacked and/or discriminated against) by his presidency since day one.

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  • Co-Sign the BLM demands in response to the Capitol coup.

  • Contact your Senators and demand they vote to convict President Trump. You can use the Senate website, use this form via Everytown, call by dialing (202) 224-3121, or text EXPEL to 30403.

  • Take at least one of the four actions to support the BREATHE Act on their website, whether it's calling local representatives, spreading the word, or sharing your story on how the BREATHE Act would change your life.

  • Consider: How did Trump's hateful and incendiary rhetoric directly affect my wellbeing? How did it impact my community? Those more vulnerable than me? Those more resourced than me?


By Nicole Cardoza (she/her)

The following are the BLM's list of demands in response to the Capitol coup shared via email. Action items in today's email reference the points made below. I've added contextual information in italics with an asterisk *.

1. Impeach, convict, and ban Trump from future political office: Every second that Trump remains in office is a threat to our democracy. We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately impeached and convicted in the United States Senate. Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future. Call your members of Congress and demand they support impeachment by dialing (202) 224-3121.*It's not enough to simply impeach President Trump to prevent him from running again. Learn more aboutwhat needs to happen next, and learn how similar efforts have played out withother political leaders around the world.

2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack: More than half the Republican representatives and multiple senators stoked Trump's conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election. We are supporting Rep. Cori Bush's resolution to expel them from Congress for their dangerous and traitorous actions. *Learn more about this resolution onCBS News.

3. Launch full investigation into the ties between Capitol Police and white supremacy: The Capitol was able to be breached and overrun by white supremacists attempting to disrupt a political process that is fundamental to our democracy. We know that police departments have been a safe haven for white supremacists to hide malintent behind a badge, because the badge was created for that purpose. Guilty parties need to be held accountable and fired. We are supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman's COUP Act to investigate these connections. *Read more about the COUP Act.

4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms: Trump has always used his digital media platforms recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation. Now it is clearer than ever that his digital media is also used to incite violence and promote its continuation. He must be stopped from encouraging his mob and further endangering our communities, even after inauguration.*Here's aroundup of the actionsvarious tech platforms have taken to block Trump.

5. Defund the police: The police that met our BLM protestors this summer with assault rifles, teargas, and military-grade protective gear were the same police that, on Wednesday, met white supremacists with patience and the benefit of the doubt, going so far as to pose for selfies with rioters. The contrast was jarring, but not for Black people. We have always known who the police truly protect and serve. D.C. has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution.*Learn how calls to defund the police are translating politically with thisbreakdown of police budgetsacross the U.S.

6. Pass the BREATHE Act: The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.*Read more about The BREATHE Act.

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