Support the Indian farmers’ protest.

Happy Sunday, and welcome back to the Anti-Racism Daily! We touched on the importance of labor unions in last week's newsletter on BAmazon. I thought today's article on the legacy of César Chávez, written by Charlie, adds timely context for that conversation. I hope you enjoy learning more!

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  • Learn more about the recent laws enacted last September.

  • Follow reporting from journalists and leaders like Sandeep SinghAsis Kaur, and Sikhexpo for updates.

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By Kashea McCowan (she/her)

In November 2020, tens of thousands of farmers and their families took to the streets and blocked highways across India to invoke a national strike. The news about the passing of three new agricultural laws hit the fan, and just as fast as rumors travel, farmers of more than 250 million people from the northern states crowded the capital city. They joined together in a protest to fight against the Indian government and their ideas for the future of farming in India. 

Unlike most farming communities in the United States who thrive off of large agribusiness corporations and massive farms, India is the complete opposite and works on a much smaller scale. The vast majority of India’s farmers own fewer than three acres of land. Though there are many small farms in India, many of them are struggling to make ends meet. However, that fact doesn’t take away from the huge impact those farmers have on the livelihoods of those around them. 

The agricultural sector in India makes up nearly fifteen percent of the country’s $2.9 trillion economy and employs around half of its 1.3 billion people—approximately more than 600 million workers—which is almost twice the entire population of the United States (CNN). This is possible because, for decades, they have sold their produce in their home state’s government-sanctioned markets that guarantee minimum prices on several key commodities. This all changed in September 2020 when Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, passed the new farming laws that will change the way the agricultural industry does business. These modifications will change the way crops are to be produced, stored, and sold. The laws include The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act (India Today).

Some farmers such as Sukhdev Singh feel like these measures only will benefit large corporations thus opening the door for private players to play a much bigger role. The result will lead to the loss of decades-old concessions, and most of the farmers will be left to fend for themselves, furthermore, pushing them into poverty at the mercy of the free market (BBC News)

“These laws will have an affect on anyone who eats,” Singh says. “They will buy from us for very low prices and we will lose our livelihoods” (Al Jazeera).

With boiling fear, farmers swarmed into the heart of the capital of New Delhi. Standing their ground, millions of agricultural workers prepared for a month on end protest against the government and their antics. Beginning as a non-violent protest, India’s farmers joined together making their opposition known by blocking the roads that lead up to the capital. Just a couple of weeks ago, the heat escalated and turned violent when protestors confronted police officers and began charging a procession of tractors onto the streets. They were met with tear gas, massive concrete barriers, and the government cut off all access to the internet, electricity, and water supplies (CBSN). More than 120 people were arrested, and farm union leaders were charged with sedition and rioting.

Today, it is evident that the farmers are determined to dismantle these newly imposed agricultural laws. For however long it takes, millions of farmers and their families have decided to leave the comforts of their homes and live on the streets (PBS News Hour). They have even erected thousands of iron nails on some of the roads to keep the police from invading. These farmers are dedicated to making prime minister Modi and his government uncomfortable to the point that he has a change of heart. Modi states in an interview that he will not change his mind about the new laws but will delay them for the next eighteen months.

To further push the protest along, protestors have found ways to make their stay at the capital a part of their daily lives. Medical booths are being set up to tend to the sick, and tons of water-filled tanks brought in on tractors are provided to supply people with water for bathing, cooking, and cleaning. The old and young are cooking in community kitchens and serving meals, and even a makeshift mall, a roadside market, with people selling items like coats and jackets is available (CNN)

The Indian government is determined to force farmers back to their lands with closed mouths, but this revolt—as it were—shows how prime minister Modi and his crew are worried about just how far these protests will go. But these farmers aren’t giving up their demands; some are prepared to wait it out for years, if need be. 

Being in the United States, you may feel that there is little you can do, but standing with those adamant supporters and howling as loudly as you can, along with those farmers, will help get the attention of those higher-ups. Stand against those big businesses and corporations looking to profit from the small man they see as dispensable. And, like the farmers, stand firm and be unmovable until those unfair agricultural laws are repealed.


  • Farmers are protesting against the newly imposed agricultural laws that are set up to benefit corporations and private players.

  • The agricultural sector in India makes up nearly fifteen percent of the country’s $2.9 trillion economy and employs around half of its 1.3 billion people, approximately 600 million workers.

  • The laws affect the way crops are produced, stored, and sold.

  • To further push the protest along, protestors have found ways to make their stay at the capital a part of their daily lives while putting a foot down on their demands.



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Advocate for Black immigrants.


Remember César Chávez.